Wednesday, June 16, 2010

sketches for interior design.

for my interior design class we are required to complete 75, 15-minute sketches during the semester. every 25 we have a day where the teacher takes them and goes over them to make sure we are doing them, and doing them correctly. she often emphasizes that these sketches are for "quantity NOT quality" or in other words, we dont need to be perfect artists, just get them done. well, this is a sure good thing because as i have sketched it has become apparent to me that I am definitely NOT an artist. but there are a few that I like so I decided to show them off. they arent all finished because at the end of your 15 minutes, you are done. the first 25 sketches we did were to be of any object or thing that we wanted and were allowed to be drawn in 2D. here are a few of the ones I did.
then sketches 26-50 are supposed to be 3D pictures, mainly of buildings, houses, interiors, exteriors, and different architectural elements, such as windows, doors, etc. we also started some rendering (coloring) for these sketches, im not so good at that either. i did cheat a little and do a few elevations, but i felt i was better at those (flat, one wall sketches). these are the ones I liked the best.
as you can see, i was not born to draw, but it actually is really fun, i just wish i was better at it.

scripture of the day:
2 Nephi 32:9 But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

today i am thankful for:
* my mom! and the fact that she was willing to carry me inside of her for 9 months so that i could enjoy this life that i have. :)
* all of the amazing tips and tricks you can learn to be able to draw a little bit better than you could before.
* cheez-its! they are tasty, and cheesy, and one of the most wonderful things of my life.
* beds. whoever created a nice comfy mattress for beds is on of my most favorite people. i love being able to snuggle up under a warm blanket in your nice comfy bed!
* USPS. i love being able to send and receive mail. it makes life exciting.
* good people. a girl from my interior design class fainted outside the classroom today, (i was already inside class and didnt really know) but i could hear people asking her if she was okay, and this boy and girl called the paramedics and stayed and made sure she was okay. its just really comforting to know that people care about others.


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