tonight as megan and i were talking in the kitchen, we had a strange feeling that the paparazzi were outside. remembering that we are not as famous as we think we should be we headed out to see what was going on. and it was ... the most amazing lightning storm i have ever seen. because it is near impossible to capture a picture of some good lightning on an iphone i decided instead to take videos. here are a few that i took. some are better than other, but none of them are as good as the real thing, not even close!
this ones is funny because megan had no idea i was video taping:
this one is short and has a really good one in it:
the only thing that matter for this one is the first 5 seconds:
this one is hilarious because stephanie started out trying to do a forecast and it just ends up her reaction to a bunch of stuff:
so there it is. but seriously, these videos cannot even relay how amazing this lightning storm was. it was completely around rexburg, everywhere you turned you saw it. it was so cool. and it was so much better than it seems on an of my videos. it was a wonderful moment in my life!!
scripture of the day:
D&C 38:30 I tell you these things because of your prayers; wherefore, treasure up wisdom in your bosoms, lest the wickedness of men reveal these things unto your by their wickedness, in a manner which shall speak in your ears with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth; but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.
today i am thankful for:
* youtube and the hours of entertainment it can provide, not to mention the laughs.
* calls from the Lord that bless and humble us.
* the wonders and glories of God that baffle me more and more each day.
* friends to sit on a blanket with and just talk to.
* a mom who know delicious recipes and takes the time to send them to me so that i can eat delicious home cooked meals with my friends.
* prayer!
Your Dad appreciated the videos, but he doesn't know how to leave comments.
hahaha, silly papa. the whole time i was watching i just kept thinking about how much he would have loved it!! it was way awesome. <3.
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