Wednesday, May 19, 2010

canada eh?.

yesterday, as megan and i were contemplating the intricacies of life, (or venting about things or people or situations), we decided that what we needed was a nice vacation and so ...
CANADA!!!! we are going to go to canada, eh! no we have not gone yet, this is like a preview so that you will get excited and ready to read about the trip once it actually happens. we decided to go up fourth of july weekend! haha, we figured everyone else will be trying to come to america, and so we'll leave! i am very very excited about this adventure we will have! i just had to let everyone else know! i am so excited!!!

scripture of the day:
2 Nephi 10:23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves - to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.
*also see talk titled, Choose You This Day.*

today i am grateful for:
* megan! she is so wonderful! she likes to go places and have fun, and i like that too!
* my mommy! i had so delicious nachos for lunch, beans provided by my mom!
* school. as hard as it may sometimes be for me to wake up and go to class, i am always happy that i did. i love learning! i am so grateful for the opportunity that i have to be here at byu-i!!
* lazy days, and how they help people to just sit around and talk instead of run around trying to get everything done!!
* random people who compliment you and make you feel extra special.
* cute boys who talk to you in class. :)
* music. i love listening to music! it is always able to make my day better!!


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