kindness is the essence of greatness
how wonderful is that simple statement? kindness is the essence of greatness. a few months ago i was writing a letter to jayce about this very topic. i was re-reading it in order to write this blog, and realized, i probably can't say it any better than i said it to him, so, i am just going to post the letter here:
May 8, 2011
Dear Jayce,
is the essence of greatness?
you ever just wanted nothing more than to be great? To be awesome and wonderful
and fantastic. To have people everywhere love you because of your astonishing
greatness? I would be lying if I said I haven’t. And since I don’t like lying,
I will tell you. I wish everyday that I was great. I think it would be pretty
awesome to be walking around school, or church, or even just walking around
town, and have people everywhere know who you are and want to talk to you. I
would feel so amazing. I have often tried to figure out what I could do to make
myself that type of person. In my mind I had to have really awesome things. And
I would definitely have to have a lot of money. I’d have to dress really cool,
and have the latest and greatest of any and all inventions. I even tried this
for a while. Trying to assimilate and be like everyone else, be what I thought
they wanted me to be, and yet, I still didn’t seem to be great. Then, in a general conference, Elder Wirthlin gave a talk and he told me exactly how
to be great.
is the essence of greatness.
seems so simple. Almost too good to be true. Really? If I want to be great all
I have to do is be kind? No. That is far too easy, it will never work. People
don’t like people who are nice, people like people who are awesome! Wrong.
People really do like people who are nice. I am beginning to realize that this
semester. I decided to listen to the council given in conference and try to
find my greatness through kindness. Let me tell you Jayce, first of all, being
kind, so much fun! I love being kind. I love thinking the best of people, and
giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. I love being the person people come
to talk to because they know I won’t judge them or make them feel silly. I love
seeing people smile when you give them something fun. I love hearing people say
“thank you”. I love knowing that I helped someone else feel good about
themselves. I love being kind! And let me tell you what else, I have never felt
so GREAT in my life before. I feel like a superstar. I am so happy! Life is
still hard, and, I will admit, every once in a while my kindness fails me, but
I love being kind. There really is nothing else like it in the world!
IS the essence of greatness!
really truly is. So, if you're feeling like you wish you were totally legit. The
raddest guy ever, the coolest cat on the block, the fly-est homie around town.
Be kind. Really, what do you have to lose? What is so bad about being good? You
will never feel better than when you are completely kind to those around you.
Who should you be being more kind towards? Who should you really be showing
your love to? Who should be getting your praise and your attention? Think about
it. I promise you, you know who the people around you that you are neglecting
are. Don’t let yourself be unnecessarily unhappy or burdened because you aren’t
willing to be patient and kind to them. Kindness is not, and will not, always
be returned, but as you continue to live your life in kindness, what others do
will not matter so much anymore, because you will start being able to feel good
about what you are doing. Kindness is the essence of greatness, so, if it’s so
simple, why not choose to be great?
love you.
L. Johnson
Also, as i was thinking of this 'lesson learned' i was reading Elder Wirthlins talk and there were some things he said that i absolutely loved, so here they are too.
"Kindness is the fundamental characteristic of the noblest men and women. Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes. Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years."
"As our Heavenly Father loves us, we also should love His children. May we be models of kindness. May we ever live up to the words of the Savior: 'By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.'"
"Who can tell what far-reaching impact we can have if we are only kind?"
i know that kindness truly is the essence of greatness. i know that as we choose to be kind to those around us that we will be happier, and feel more accomplished than we ever have before. i am aware of the love the Lord has for me and the love that He has for each of the people we come in contact with, if we could only be a little nicer, a little sweeter, and a little kinder to those around us, they would be able to know of the Saviors love for them through our actions. so, make a commitment to be kind. it will make you great!
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